Understanding the impact of the Coronavirus on voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations (VCSE)
*The Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) is sharing this survey on behalf of Greater Manchester Poverty Action.*
The Coronavirus (also known as the COVID-19) is having a huge impact across Greater Manchester, and in particular Greater Manchester Poverty Action’s (GMPA) network.
The public and private sectors, and community, voluntary, social enterprise and faith organisations are thinking about how they maintain and adapt services to response to emerging needs. The situation will have a significant impact on people experiencing poverty, and on responses to poverty, both in the short and long-term.
GMPA is gathering intelligence from across the city-region to understand the impact of Coronavirus on service delivery and responses to poverty.
This survey is for voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations whose work supports people in ways other than through food provision (there is a separate survey for food banks and other food providers), and will take less than 10 minutes to complete.
GMPA will use the information gathered to inform conversations they are having at a Greater Manchester and local authority level about the impact of Coronavirus on poverty. They are aware that other VCSE organisations and local authorities will also be gathering intelligence at this time, and they will ensure that they share the information they gather with these organisations. They would also be grateful if you would share this survey with any relevant VCSE organisations you work with (you can do this simply by directing them to www.gmconsult.org).
GMPA would appreciate you responding to this survey as soon as possible, and they will start analysing the results as soon as they come in.
If you have further questions about the survey, and how the results will be used, please email contact@gmpovertyaction.org
The GMPA team thank you in advance for your support and insight.
- Community, voluntary sector and social enterprises
- Public sector partners
- Ageing
- Equalities
- Economy
- Healthy lives and quality care
- Community cohesion
- Co-operatives
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