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Employer Supporter’s Action Network (ESAN) Application Form

Supporting the Mayor’s technical education city region ambitions , Greater Manchester will lead the way in technical education transformation, making it easier to businesses to find the talent they need, and provide the advanced technical skills the UK and GM economies need. Businesses across Greater Manchester are invited to support the seven career tech ed pathways which are led by industry leaders forming the Employer Integration Board . Through joining the Employer...

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Current opportunities to get involved

Employer Supporter’s Action Network (ESAN) Application Form

Supporting the Mayor’s technical education city region ambitions , Greater Manchester will lead the way in technical education transformation, making it easier to businesses to find the talent they need, and provide the advanced technical skills the UK and GM economies need. Businesses across Greater Manchester are invited to support the seven career tech ed pathways which are led by industry leaders forming the Employer Integration Board . Through joining the Employer...

Recently closed consultations and engagement

Issues we’ve asked you about in the past that are now closed

Draft Vision Zero Action Plan Survey

Vision Zero – Ending Road Death and Life-Changing Injury on Greater Manchester’s roads Almost 10,000 people have been killed or suffered life-changing injuries on Greater Manchester’s roads in the last 10 years. Together, our ambition is for Greater Manchester to have zero fatalities and life-changing injuries on our roads by 2040 whilst increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all. Earlier this year we launched the first of two feedback surveys....

Get involved in Greater Manchester’s plan for nature

Like the rest of the country, Greater Manchester faces closely linked climate and biodiversity emergencies. Locally and nationally – we know we all need to do more to support the recovery of nature and increase the benefits it provides to our people and our economy. Greater Manchester Combined Authority is currently developing a Local Nature Recovery Strategy, a new p lan for nature, to set out our local ambitions for nature. You can read more...

Fostering Unfiltered campaign review

Fostering Unfiltered is a GMCA campaign with a clear ambition to inspire more people in Greater Manchester, from all walks of life, to become foster carers and provide loving and stable homes to children across the city-region. The campaign embraces the realities of fostering with refreshing honesty and reflects the real lives of existing foster carers by sharing their everyday experiences and challenges, with the aim to encourage more residents to come forward and foster for their local...

Your impact

Issues we have consulted and engaged on and their outcomes See all outcomes

We asked

The purpose of this registration form is to gain your consent, as a training recipient, to providing your information for the purposes of the delivery of the Bee Smart Project and to provide you with details of how we will handle your data.

You said

Through your responses we were able to identify your local authority and preferences

We did

We have made a note of all responses and will use this data for the purpose of the Bee smart project.

We asked

With this survey, we wanted to understand behaviours towards buying and getting rid of disposable vapes. 

You said

We recieved a broad range of responses from accross all the boroughs and ages.

We did

The responses will be used as insight to shape future campaigns covering disposal of vapes

We asked

'Places for Everyone (PfE) is the long-term plan of nine Greater Manchester districts for jobs, new homes and sustainable growth. The plan sets out a strategic policy framework for the nine boroughs and helps these areas to meet their local housing and employment needs by identifying land and infrastructure to support growth.

Since its submission the appointed Inspectors have been examining the submitted Plan to determine whether it meets the tests of soundness defined in national planning policy and meets all the relevant legislative requirements.

As part of the examination the Inspectors raised questions, matters and issues that were prompted by their review of the Plan and which probed issues of soundness and specific issues raised during the consultation on the Publication Plan 2021.

Following this process, the Planning Inspectors identified a number of ‘Main Modifications’. The consultation asked whether the proposed modifications were needed to make the plan sound and whether or not their wording was effective.

You said

There were a total of 177 responses to the consultation. This includes all responses made via the consultation portal and by email and post.  

Following on from the consultation in 2021 the plan for new homes, jobs, and sustainable growth in Greater Manchester, is now undergoing a public examination by the Planning Inspectorate.

All duly made responses to the consultation have been published - All responses to the Main Modification consultation

The Inspectors will consider the representations made before finalising their examination report.  Further hearing sessions will not usually be held, unless the Inspectors consider them essential to deal with substantial issues raised in the representations, or to ensure fairness. 

We did

News on the next stage for Places for Everyone will be published on our website Places For Everyone - Greater Manchester Combined Authority (

We asked

We asked you to provide feedback on how we can improve our programme in 2024.

You said

Your feedback mentioned how we can improve our sessions through the day of delivery, times and content.

We did

We have analysed the responses and will be incorporating your feedback into the development of the programme we run in 2024

We asked

Greater Manchester’s economic importance, diversity and infrastructure make for a complex picture in terms of the risks that we have to plan for, help prevent, and look for opportunities to improve. Our city-region’s constantly changing landscape creates an operating environment that regularly and rapidly shifts. We must respond to these changes by evolving our approach, to ensure firefighter and public safety remains at the forefront of our plans.

Keeping our residents safe is not just about firefighters responding to emergencies. It's also about investing in and enhancing our service and our communities. This means continuing to ensure that all our people have the tools, equipment, and training they need to do their jobs safely and effectively. It also means equipping and empowering all areas of our city-region to reduce the risks of fires and other emergencies through our prevention and protection work. 

During 2022/23 we carried out a Fire Cover Review as we do every four years in line with the development of our Fire Plan to ensure we have the right resources in the right place at the right time with the right equipment and training.

Alongside this, we also carried out a Special Appliances Review to assess the effectiveness of our special appliances that carry dedicated equipment and technology for use in specific situations.

It is the recommendations from these two reviews that we asked our people, our communities and our partners for their views on. 

You said

Taken from the Executive Summary - (full document available here - 

For internal engagement (initially from Monday 8 May to Monday 5 June, but then continuing throughout the subsequent external engagement period), managers from across the Service held 140 sessions with their watches or teams. Each manager provided feedback about the main issues raised in these discussions and any questions that had been asked.

During the external engagement period (Monday 5 June to Monday 24 July), 830 people responded to an online survey, leaving a total of 1100 comments about the proposals.

Opportunities were also provided for people to respond in-person. Public events were held in the areas most directly covered by the proposals Offerton in Stockport, and Sale and Partington in Trafford. A total of 180 people attended these three events.

Senior GMFRS officers also attended Council Scrutiny meetings in both Stockport and Trafford, where they outlined the proposals to local Councillors and took questions about the potential local impacts.

Feedback on the proposals was also received from a number of key stakeholders, either through the online survey or separate letters / emails to our service. This included submissions from the Fire Brigades Union, Trafford and Stockport Councils and their individual councillors, and local MPs.

Two petitions were also received which, combined, had signatures from 2,043 people.

The headline feedback from this internal and external engagement is that:

  • The proposals to move to “day crewing” in Sale and Offerton fire stations are strongly opposed by local residents and their representatives. This opposition is driven largely by concerns and fears for safety, including for older and more vulnerable residents and in response to local risks and developments.
  • The day crewing proposals are also opposed by many GMFRS staff and the Fire Brigades Union. Safety concerns shared with residents are also added to by questions over the deliverability of the proposed staffing model.
  • There is support for the addition of two new fire engines (or appliances) for the city region to be located in Manchester – but this support turns to opposition when it comes at the cost of a move to day crewing in other areas. Many respondents spoke of “robbing Peter to pay Paul” and feelings of unfairness of reducing cover in one part of Greater Manchester to increase cover in another.
  • The Enhanced Rescue Unit proposal received mixed reviews from both the public and staff. While the broader range of incident response provided was often welcomed, there were questions about the cover levels provided, identified locations of the units and deliverability of the staffing model.
  • There was significantly less feedback on the Special Appliance Review than on the other proposals. There was broad support for the proposals outlined, but with some limited localised opposition – predominantly from staff – from some areas where appliances are proposed to be moved elsewhere.
  • Consulting on the Fire Cover Review proposals as a single combined package has complicated analysis of how people feel about each of the proposals individually. Where there is opposition to the Enhanced Rescue Station, additional fire engine and Special Appliance proposals, accompanying free text comments often (but not always) link this back to the individual’s opposition to the day crewing proposals.    
  • Overall there is recognition that GMFRS is facing a difficult challenge in achieving its aims within the resources available to it. A number of responses spoke of the proposals being driven by financial pressures, while enthusiasm for the two additional appliances was tempered by a belief that this was not ‘new’ cover but replacing resources previously removed. People called for GMFRS and the Mayor to seek additional funding to keep communities safe, rather than changing current service levels to deliver within what is currently affordable. 

We did

The outcome of the GMFRS Fire Cover Review was discussed at the Greater Manchester Combined Authority meeting on Friday 29 September. It can be viewed here - Agenda for Greater Manchester Combined Authority on Friday, 29th September, 2023, 10.30 am - Greater Manchester Combined Authority ( 

Headlines -

  • Introduce one additional wholetime fire engine at Manchester Central Community Fire Station – taking our total fleet from 50 to 51 pumps.
  • Invest an additional £340k in Prevention and Protection activities – targeting more resources to keeping people safe from emergencies before they happen.
  • Implement Enhanced Rescue Station proposals at Leigh and Ashton Community Fire Stations – strengthening our ability to respond to increasing numbers of complex emergencies.
  • Implement all proposals from our Strategic Review of Special Appliances – Implementing new technologies and ensuring specialist technical equipment is best located for where it is most needed across the city-region.
  • Crews will continue to be based on station 24/7 and day crewing arrangements will not be progressed at Sale and Offerton fire stations.