Help us to shape the future of Greater Manchester

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Featured consultations

Employer Supporter’s Action Network (ESAN) Application Form

Supporting the Mayor’s technical education city region ambitions , Greater Manchester will lead the way in technical education transformation, making it easier to businesses to find the talent they need, and provide the advanced technical skills the UK and GM economies need. Businesses across Greater Manchester are invited to support the seven career tech ed pathways which are led by industry leaders forming the Employer Integration Board . Through joining the Employer...

Greater Manchester Police and Crime Plan Resident Survey

The Mayor and the Deputy Mayor are responsible for setting priorities for keeping communities’ safe across Greater Manchester over the next 4 years. The Police and Crime Plan outlines these priorities and describes how we will work together with the police, our partners and our communities across the city-region to deliver and achieve these priorities. The current Standing Together Plan can be found here: GM Standing Together Police and Crime Plan...

Have your say

Current opportunities to get involved

Employer Supporter’s Action Network (ESAN) Application Form

Supporting the Mayor’s technical education city region ambitions , Greater Manchester will lead the way in technical education transformation, making it easier to businesses to find the talent they need, and provide the advanced technical skills the UK and GM economies need. Businesses across Greater Manchester are invited to support the seven career tech ed pathways which are led by industry leaders forming the Employer Integration Board . Through joining the Employer...

Greater Manchester Police and Crime Plan Resident Survey

The Mayor and the Deputy Mayor are responsible for setting priorities for keeping communities’ safe across Greater Manchester over the next 4 years. The Police and Crime Plan outlines these priorities and describes how we will work together with the police, our partners and our communities across the city-region to deliver and achieve these priorities. The current Standing Together Plan can be found here: GM Standing Together Police and Crime Plan...

Recently closed consultations and engagement

Issues we’ve asked you about in the past that are now closed

Improving Journeys - Manchester

Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) is working with Manchester City Council (MCC) to improve journeys for people around Manchester, including to and from the city centre, with a focus on catching the bus, walking, wheeling and cycling. We want to make journeys better and easier by making them more reliable, safer and more sustainable and to do this we need to make changes and improvements to streets in Manchester. Through funding from the Government’s City Region Sustainable...

Your experiences of engaging with the #BeeWell programme

#BeeWell is working with an independent evaluation partner, Renaisi. They are seeking your feedback on the #BeeWell programme in Greater Manchester. Whether you’ve utilised the dashboard, heard a presentation or been a supporter from a distance, they would appreciate your insights by completing a 10-minute survey ahead of the 16th August. If you’d prefer to share your feedback in a one-to-one interview, you can contact Konstantina by email to arrange a call: ...

Get involved in Greater Manchester’s plan for nature

Like the rest of the country, Greater Manchester faces closely linked climate and biodiversity emergencies. Locally and nationally – we know we all need to do more to support the recovery of nature and increase the benefits it provides to our people and our economy. Greater Manchester Combined Authority is currently developing a Local Nature Recovery Strategy, a new p lan for nature, to set out our local ambitions for nature. You can read more...

Your impact

Issues we have consulted and engaged on and their outcomes See all outcomes

We asked

The purpose of this registration form is to gain your consent, as a training recipient, to providing your information for the purposes of the delivery of the Bee Smart Project and to provide you with details of how we will handle your data.

You said

Through your responses we were able to identify your local authority and preferences

We did

We have made a note of all responses and will use this data for the purpose of the Bee smart project.

We asked

With this survey, we wanted to understand behaviours towards buying and getting rid of disposable vapes. 

You said

We recieved a broad range of responses from accross all the boroughs and ages.

We did

The responses will be used as insight to shape future campaigns covering disposal of vapes

We asked

'Places for Everyone (PfE) is the long-term plan of nine Greater Manchester districts for jobs, new homes and sustainable growth. The plan sets out a strategic policy framework for the nine boroughs and helps these areas to meet their local housing and employment needs by identifying land and infrastructure to support growth.

Since its submission the appointed Inspectors have been examining the submitted Plan to determine whether it meets the tests of soundness defined in national planning policy and meets all the relevant legislative requirements.

As part of the examination the Inspectors raised questions, matters and issues that were prompted by their review of the Plan and which probed issues of soundness and specific issues raised during the consultation on the Publication Plan 2021.

Following this process, the Planning Inspectors identified a number of ‘Main Modifications’. The consultation asked whether the proposed modifications were needed to make the plan sound and whether or not their wording was effective.

You said

There were a total of 177 responses to the consultation. This includes all responses made via the consultation portal and by email and post.  

Following on from the consultation in 2021 the plan for new homes, jobs, and sustainable growth in Greater Manchester, is now undergoing a public examination by the Planning Inspectorate.

All duly made responses to the consultation have been published - All responses to the Main Modification consultation

The Inspectors will consider the representations made before finalising their examination report.  Further hearing sessions will not usually be held, unless the Inspectors consider them essential to deal with substantial issues raised in the representations, or to ensure fairness. 

We did

News on the next stage for Places for Everyone will be published on our website Places For Everyone - Greater Manchester Combined Authority (

We asked

We asked you to provide feedback on how we can improve our programme in 2024.

You said

Your feedback mentioned how we can improve our sessions through the day of delivery, times and content.

We did

We have analysed the responses and will be incorporating your feedback into the development of the programme we run in 2024

We asked

GMCA decided to consult on a proposed new approach to cultural investment from 2023 onwards. The previous GMCA culture fund period had been in place for three years. Across this period, a portfolio of 35 GM cultural organisations and 14 multi-organisation projects were supported.

Greater Manchester is rightly proud of its cultural offer. Culture and heritage are some of the biggest reasons residents like and are proud of living in Greater Manchester.

The COVID pandemic has had a significant impact on Greater Manchester’s cultural landscape. The Centre for Cultural Value’s Culture in Crisis report earlier this year highlighted well the impacts on the workforce, organisations, and audiences.

You said

During the consultation period, the culture consultation gathered over 11,799 impressions on twitter with 1,358 people going to the culture webpages on the GMCA website to find out more. We had over 200 people go through the full consultation questions with 52 people submitting completed responses.

This survey was supported by both online and face to face engagement sessions. We had 58 attendees to online consultation events and 28 attendees to in person events, giving 138 responses in total. Attendees ranged from freelancers and sole traders to larger cultural organisations.

84.6% of respondents agreed the investment priorities set out in the GM Culture Strategy remain fit for purpose. 79.6% of respondents agreed with the proposed investment approach set out above, and 78.9% of respondents agreed this revised approach better reflects GM’s cultural landscape. Comments from respondents reflected many of the comments from stakeholders, particularly emphasising the importance of supporting the sustainability of the culture sector in GM, and welcomed the two new areas for investment proposed, namely Inspire and Collaborate.

We did

We issued a press release on the outcome of the consultation which can be found here - Greater Manchester Culture Fund opens for applications - Greater Manchester Combined Authority (

There was also a report paper finalising the future of cultural investment went to the Greater Manchester Combined Authority meeting on 28 October 2022. The full report can be found here – The consultation section of the report reads -  

Given the proposed changes to cultural investment in Greater Manchester proposed within this paper, GMCA Culture Team officers have consulted on the proposed new approach set out above, as well as testing if the current investment priorities, as set out in the GM Culture Strategy, are still fit for purpose.

The previous priorities were to:

  • Contribute to the recognition of Greater Manchester locally, nationally and internationally to attract new investment, new visitors and new talent to Greater Manchester
  • Make a positive contribution to improving skills and employability of residents in Greater Manchester, including support for the creative education, expression and ambition of young people across Greater Manchester
  • Play a strong role in developing strong and inclusive communities and an improved quality of life for residents, particularly those residents at risk of disengagement or social isolation
  • Be able to evidence how the project will make a positive contribution to improving residents’ health and well-being and meeting our equality duties.
  • Provide paid employment and opportunities for freelancers, individual practitioners and organisations within the Greater Manchester

One area of concern raised during consultation was the timeline to bid into the pillars. It was suggested that the primary focus should be to look to have Spirit and Sustain application process in place from Autumn 2022 so successful organisations can deliver from April 2023. For both Inspire and Collaborate, to allow potential bidders more time to develop proposals and bring together consortia for Collaborate, it was suggested that the application process for these opens from Spring 2023. This was built into the timescale.