Places for Everyone - Main modification consultation phase

Closed 6 Dec 2023

Opened 11 Oct 2023

Feedback updated 11 Jan 2024

We asked

'Places for Everyone (PfE) is the long-term plan of nine Greater Manchester districts for jobs, new homes and sustainable growth. The plan sets out a strategic policy framework for the nine boroughs and helps these areas to meet their local housing and employment needs by identifying land and infrastructure to support growth.

Since its submission the appointed Inspectors have been examining the submitted Plan to determine whether it meets the tests of soundness defined in national planning policy and meets all the relevant legislative requirements.

As part of the examination the Inspectors raised questions, matters and issues that were prompted by their review of the Plan and which probed issues of soundness and specific issues raised during the consultation on the Publication Plan 2021.

Following this process, the Planning Inspectors identified a number of ‘Main Modifications’. The consultation asked whether the proposed modifications were needed to make the plan sound and whether or not their wording was effective.

You said

There were a total of 177 responses to the consultation. This includes all responses made via the consultation portal and by email and post.  

Following on from the consultation in 2021 the plan for new homes, jobs, and sustainable growth in Greater Manchester, is now undergoing a public examination by the Planning Inspectorate.

All duly made responses to the consultation have been published - All responses to the Main Modification consultation

The Inspectors will consider the representations made before finalising their examination report.  Further hearing sessions will not usually be held, unless the Inspectors consider them essential to deal with substantial issues raised in the representations, or to ensure fairness. 

We did

News on the next stage for Places for Everyone will be published on our website Places For Everyone - Greater Manchester Combined Authority (

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


Welcome to the latest consultation on the joint plan between Bolton, Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Salford, Rochdale, Tameside, Trafford and Wigan, 'Places for Everyone’ (PfE).

PfE is the long-term plan of nine Greater Manchester districts for jobs, new homes and sustainable growth.

The plan sets out a strategic policy framework for the nine boroughs and helps these areas to meet their local housing and employment needs by identifying land and infrastructure to support growth.

This consultation is focussed on the Main Modifications to the plan, following on from a period of independent public examination.  

The consultation will also look at the Additional Modifications, which whilst outside of the formal examination, will be useful in finalising the final plan.

What is this plan and why do we need it? 

Greater Manchester Combined Authority has put together Places for Everyone on behalf of nine Greater Manchester councils (Bolton, Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale, Tameside, Trafford, Salford, Wigan).

It will determine the kind of development that takes place across the nine Districts maximising the use of brownfield land and urban spaces while protecting Green Belt land from the risk of unplanned development.

It will also ensure all new developments are sustainably integrated into Greater Manchester’s transport network or supported by new infrastructure.

What’s happened so far?

  • 2016: Public consultation on the ‘Greater Manchester Spatial Framework’ – a plan of ten Districts. 27,000 responses from across the city-region
  • 2017: First Greater Manchester Mayor elected which led to changes to the plan
  • 2019: Public consultation, in line with reg 18 of the National Planning Policy Framework. 17,000 responses from across the city-region
  • 2020: Stockport didn’t approve the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework for consultation in 2020 which signalled the end of a plan of the ten Districts. The plan for the remaining nine Districts in Greater Manchester was re-named ‘Places for Everyone’
  • 2021: Public consultation on the PfE ‘publication plan’ which focussed specifically on whether or not the plan meets the test of soundness, is legally compliant and effective.  
  • February 2022: ‘Places for Everyone’ was submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination by the Planning Inspectorate and the Examination in Public was launched.
  • November 2022: Hearings in public were launched as part of the Examination in Public stage of the plan was launched meaning that previous respondents and interested parties were invited to participate in live events to explain their submission.
  • July 2023: The last hearing in public was held (for now)     
  • August 2023: Inspectors issued their notes to say that they are satisfied at this stage of the examination, that all proposed Modifications are necessary to make the plan sound and/or legally compliant.  

What does this stage of consultation mean? 

Since its submission the appointed Inspectors have been examining the submitted Plan to determine whether it meets the tests of soundness defined in national planning policy and meets all the relevant legislative requirements.

As part of the examination the Inspectors have raised questions, matters and issues that were prompted by their review of the Plan and which probed issues of soundness and specific issues raised during the consultation on the Publication Plan 2021.

Following this process, the Planning Inspectors have identified a number of ‘Main Modifications’ which is the basis of this consultation, again following the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) guidance around soundness, and legal compliance.

There are also some proposals to change some of the policies maps, which are consequential to the Main Modifications. Where this is the case, they will be noted through this response form.

We will also be consulting on the ‘Additional Modifications’.

Whilst there are many proposed main modifications, including amending the plan period from 2020 to 2037 to 2022 to 2039, they do not change the overall Vision, Objectives and Spatial Strategy of the plan; with our ambitions for the future, largely remaining following on from this independent and rigorous process.

Why your views matter

The proposed modifications to the plan don’t undermine the fundamental ambition of the plan – the vision and overall strategy for growth across the city-region remains.

This consultation phase is to see if you think this joint plan meets the 'tests of soundness'. It is the final stage in a long process, which is focussed on the Main Modifications; with feedback being targeted on those precise changes to the plan.

The term 'sound' is used to describe a Plan that has been prepared in accordance with what the Government expects of local planning authorities. These expectations are set out in paragraph 35 of the National Planning Policy Framework. More can be found on this definition when you click through below, to the next stage of the consultation.

What happens next

The consultation will close on 6 December 2023. 

News on the next stage for Places for Everyone will be published on our website Places For Everyone - Greater Manchester Combined Authority (


  • General public


  • Combined Authority