Holcroft Moss Planning Obligations Joint Supplementary Planning Document
In partnership with the nine Places for Everyone (PfE) Plan local authorities (Bolton, Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale, Salford, Tameside, Trafford and Wigan), we are seeking your input on the Holcroft Moss Planning Obligations Joint Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).
The purpose of the SPD is to provide guidance on, and to facilitate, the provision of mitigation restoration measures at Holcroft Moss, within the Manchester Mosses Special Area of Conservation (SAC). The SPD will provide further guidance on how criterion 17 (in particular) of Policy JP-C8: Transport Requirements of New Development of the PfE Plan will be implemented. Criterion 17 seeks to ensure new development does not have an adverse impact on the protected habitats and species of Holcroft Moss, which is within the Manchester Mosses Special Area of Conservation (SAC). The SPD is applicable to all nine PfE Plan local authority areas (excluding the part of Oldham within the Peak District National Park).
The aims of the SPD are to:
- Ensure that advice is consistent with the latest Government regulations and associated Planning Practice Guidance;
- Ensure that new development is consistent with the provisions of the recently adopted PfE Plan;
- Provide a robust basis upon which the nine PfE Plan authorities can secure contributions from developers to ensure that the impacts of schemes on Holcroft Moss are appropriately mitigated; and
- Provide clear advice to developers as to what is expected in applications to ensure an efficient process for consultation and determination.
Once adopted, the SPD will be a material consideration in planning decisions.
Why your views matter
Your views are valuable to help shape the content of the SPD. The consultation is open for six weeks from 01 November 2024 to 11:59pm on 12 December 2024. After the consultation closes we will review all comments received to produce the final SPD.
- Anyone from any background
- Greater Manchester Spatial Framework
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