Tackling Covid in Greater Manchester (Wave 1)
Feedback updated 17 Jan 2021
We asked
COVID-19 is having significant impacts on the lives of residents and the city-region of Greater Manchester as a whole. The nature and extent of these impacts are not evenly experienced across the population, which affects how well equipped and empowered parts of the population are to stop the spread of the virus and its resulting impacts.
Although there is extensive national research into these issues, particularly during the earlier stages of the pandemic, relying on national surveys does not give the level of detail required on who within the GM population is being most affected, the issues they are facing, what support they need, and how communications and support may be best targeted and delivered.
GMCA and partners have commissioned BMG Research to undertake monthly online and telephone surveys of at least 1,000 residents each wave, with quotas to achieve at least 100 residents in each local authority, as well as gender, age, ethnicity and disability to ensure the sample broadly reflects the profile of residents. Further consieration is also being given to wider protected and other key characteristics.
You said
Wave One Results Report
This report, Safely Managing Covid-19, summarises the results from Wave One - a survey of 1016 Greater Manchester residents, completed online and by telephone, between 20th November and 2nd December. A further 437 responses were received from respondents who completed the survey online via a link that was circulated by GMCA's partners and hosted on the GM Consult website. Feedback from these 437 responses have not been included in this report, but will be reported separately.
Safely Managing Covid-19: Greater Manchester Population Survey December 2020
Subsequent waves of the survey will be shared on the GMCA website.
We did
We are constantly using the insight gleaned from the survey to inform our communications and response to the pandemic. Please follow us on social media for advice about how to keep you and your loved ones safe, as well as where to access additional support:
Results updated 4 Jan 2021
This report, Safely Managing Covid-19, summarises the results from a survey of 1016 Greater Manchester residents, completed online and by telephone, between 20th November and 2nd December. The sample included at least 100 residents in each local authority, and quotas were set to ensure the sample broadly reflected the profile of residents by gender, age, ethnicity and disability, with further consideration for wider protected and key characteristics.
A further 437 responses were received from respondents who completed the survey online via a link that was circulated by GMCA's partners and hosted on the GM Consult website. Feedback from these 437 responses have not been included in this report, but will be reported separately.
The Greater Manchester Combined Authority and partners across Greater Manchester are working round the clock to prevent the spread of Covid, and to deliver projects and programmes to help residents and communities affected.
We want to make sure our interventions and our communications are having as much impact as possible, and so we need you to tell us your experiences and your views.
We have asked BMG Research to carry out a series of monthly surveys with Greater Manchester residents over the next six months.
This is the first survey in the series; and will take about 15 minutes to complete.
We want to hear from as many Greater Manchester residents as possible, and so please let your friends and family know we want to hear from them too!
We will be sharing the results of the survey so check out the We Asked You Said We Did page in December to find out more.
What happens next
Thank you for taking part in this survey. Your views will be used to help inform our response to tackling coronavirus.
If you would like to be one of the first to know about future surveys, and also keep in touch with the work of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, please sign up to our monthly newsletter here: http://eepurl.com/dj20JH
- General public
- Young people
- Combined Authority
- Mayor of Greater Manchester
- Ageing
- Equalities
- Healthy lives and quality care
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