VCSE in Greater Manchester - the next 10 years
The GM VCSE Devolution Reference Group has been developing a Policy Paper which will sit alongside the Greater Manchester Local Industrial Strategy, the Greater Manchester Reform White Paper and the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Prospectus, describing both the ‘offer’ of the sector in Greater Manchester, and the transformation which needs to happen in the sector in order for it to maximise its potential.
The paper builds on the Accord between Mayor and GMCA and the VCSE sector, and the Memorandum of Understanding between GM Health and Social Care Partnership and VCSE sector and is intended to be really ambitious, describing a future role equal to those of the state and business. It sets out what the VCSE sector could bring to Greater Manchester people and communities over the next 25 years, and what would need to be done to enable it, including investment.
Why your views matter
An ‘implementation and transformation plan’ will be developed over the following year in each of the 10 localities as well as for Greater Manchester. The plans will vary, but will all be co-designed with relevant partners within the broad framework set out in this Paper.
It is important that organisations from the VCSE, business and public sectors share their views on the draft paper so that we can be sure that we have describe a way forward that is meaningful for all before developing the implementation plan.
The draft Executive Summary can be viewed online here.
- Community, voluntary sector and social enterprises
- Healthy lives and quality care
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