Parent and carer offer survey
The Greater Manchester Violence Reduction Unit is interested in hearing from parents and carers, as well as anybody who works with children, parents and carers, to help shape a potential new service. We want to find out more information about what happens, or what you would like to happen, if you have concerns about a child or young person in relation to crime, exploitation, risk of violence or anti-social behaviour. What might cause those concerns, and what kind of help would be best for you? How would you access it, and what does it feel like?
Why your views matter
This would be a service for any body with caring responsibilities for a child or young person, so it's important that we hear from as wide a range of people as possible. It doesn't matter if you've never experienced concerns before or never been asked for help, if you are a professional who works with children, young people and families. We still want to hear from you.
What happens next
The Violence Reduction Unit will use the information provided in the survey and focus groups to help shape a service for parents and carers to access the right kind of help they need.
- General public
- Violent crime
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