GM Community Wealth Hub - Concept Model

Closed 31 Oct 2022

Opened 6 Oct 2022


As the co-design process for the GM Community Wealth Hub continues, this online consultation provides an opportunity for you to review and share your thoughts on a concept model for the Hub.

The model (attached at the bottom of this page) brings together what we have heard so far through the co-design process, aiming to ensure that there is a clear link between what the Hub is doing and the outcomes and impacts that it wants to achieve.

We would really appreciate your views. A space has been provided on the next page to share your thoughts and reflections on the concept model; alternatively, please contact or

Additionally, a short slide deck is attached, providing further context around the co-design process to date, stakeholder input, and information regarding next steps (you can find this at the very bottom of this page, under the 'Related' heading).

What happens next

The next steps are outlined in the final slide of the attached slide deck.

Please contact or with any thoughts or queries relating to the 


  • General public
  • Businesses
  • Community, voluntary sector and social enterprises
  • Public sector partners


  • Equalities
  • Economy
  • Co-operatives