Draft Vision Zero Action Plan Survey

Closed 27 Jun 2024

Opened 16 May 2024


Vision Zero – Ending Road Death and Life-Changing Injury on Greater Manchester’s roads

Almost 10,000 people have been killed or suffered life-changing injuries on Greater Manchester’s roads in the last 10 years. Together, our ambition is for Greater Manchester to have zero fatalities and life-changing injuries on our roads by 2040 whilst increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all.

Earlier this year we launched the first of two feedback surveys. You gave us an insight into your experiences on the roads of Greater Manchester including things you would like to see improved. Some of these elements affect the whole of the United Kingdom such as national policy changes, licencing and sentences for driving offences.

Your feedback, alongside proposed activity from our statutory partners, has shaped the draft Vision Zero Action Plan. This Action Plan will help guide activity to achieve our ambition of zero fatalities and life-changing injuries on GM roads by 2040.

This second survey is designed to capture your thoughts and feelings on the proposed actions in the draft Vision Zero Action Plan. This is an opportunity for everyone to help shape the Vision Zero Action Plan. No decisions have yet been made.

To support your answers to the questions in this survey, please refer to the draft Vision Zero Action Plan, which is available here: https://www.greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk/what-we-do/greater-manchester-strategy/vision-zero-strategy/.

The draft Vision Zero Action Plan follows the Safe Systems approach. More information about the Safe System approach is included below.

About Vision Zero and the Safe System approach

A diagram showing 'People make mistakes, Humans are vulnerable to injury, Death and serious injury are unacceptable, Responsibility is shared, Approach is proactive, Actions are systemic' surrounded by Safe Streets, Safe Road Users, Safe Speeds, Safe Vehicles, Post-Crash Response'

Image credit: Agilysis (2023) building on models from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Loughborough University

A Safe System is one where people, vehicles and the road infrastructure interact in a way that secures a high level of safety.

The Safe System approach requires us to take a systematic approach to reducing road danger, strengthening all parts of the system so that where there are failures, as there inevitably will be, the rest of the system is able to minimise the outcomes. 


Why your views matter

Sharing your experiences and suggestions will help us to get a better understanding of what we need to do to achieve the ambitions set out in the draft Vision Zero Action Plan

People who would prefer not to complete the survey online can request support to complete the survey in an alternative format by contacting TfGM Customer Contact Centre on 0161 244 1000 or emailing saferroads.group@tfgm.com


  • General public
  • Young people
  • Businesses


  • Combined Authority
  • Transport