GMFRS Annual Delivery Plan 2023/24 - public and stakeholders
We want feedback on the proposed Annual Delivery Plan for 23/24. First though, it's useful to explain how it fits in with The Fire Plan (2021-2025)
The Fire Plan sets out the direction of travel for GMFRS, articulating our six priorities, and the outcomes we want to achieve over the next four years. Within each of these priorities are a series of commitments from the Service to our residents, businesses, and partners.
The Fire Plan provides details of how we will continue to prevent, protect, and respond efficiently and effectively to meet the needs of our communities, and it also explains how we will help deliver the wider Greater Manchester Strategy.
The Annual Delivery Plan - which is the part we want feedback on, sets out how GMFRS will meet the six priorities in the Fire Plan over each 12-month period, providing a focus for the service in the short term. The Annual Delivery Plan is a portfolio of improvement programmes / projects, governed by the GMFRS Improvement Board.
You can watch the short video below summarising GMFRS priorities or by following this link:
Why your views matter
To ensure GMFRS continues to strive to achieve the commitments outlined in the Fire Plan (2021-2025) a proposed improvement programme portfolio for 2023-2024 has been created by GMFRS.
GMFRS are wanting feedback from colleagues, community partnerships, partners, and the public on the proposed Annual Delivery Plan portfolio of improvement programmes / projects for 2023-2024.
As the Annual Delivery Plan 2023-2024 is proposed at this stage, there is opportunity for amendments to be made, based on the feedback received, prior to formal approval via the Deputy Mayor’s Executive meeting.
- General public
- Fire safety
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