Closed Consultations & Surveys

120 results

  • Applications open - Disabled People's Panel

    The GMDPP is made up of Disabled People’s Organisations (DPO- organisations majority run and staffed by disabled people) across GM and is now in its fifth year. It operates at the highest strategic level with the GM Mayor Andy Burnham and the GM Combined Authority to advise, consult, influence, and create policy with the aim to improve the lives of disabled people throughout GM. It was created after DPO’s led by the GM Coalition of Disabled People gained agreement to a disabled... More
    Closed 12 June 2023
  • Proposed New Fire Station - Blackley

    Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service are having a major overhaul of some of its fire stations to make sure that they are fit for the future. One of the stations that is being improved is Blackley. We are proposing to build a brand new fire station on the existing site over the next year. If you want to know more before you complete this survey, then come to our drop-in session between 4.30pm - 7pm on Monday 6th March, at the current station in Blackley. ... More
    Closed 13 March 2023
  • State of Social Enterprise 2023

    Are you a Greater Manchester social enterprise? Social Enterprise UK and the social enterprise sector in Greater Manchester need your help to understand the key trends and issues affecting social enterprises in 2023. Run every two years, State of Social Enterprise (SOSE) is the most comprehensive and respected survey of UK social enterprises. This vital evidence will help shape funding and finance, support initiatives and policy to grow the social enterprise movement. Previous... More
    Closed 13 March 2023
  • Proposed New Fire Station - Whitefield

    Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service are having a major overhaul of some of its fire stations to make sure that they are fit for the future. One of the stations that is being improved is Whitefield. We are proposing to build a brand new fire station on the existing site over the next year. If you want to know more before you complete this survey, then come to our drop-in session between 4.30pm - 7pm on Wednesday 8th March, at the current station in Whitefield. ... More
    Closed 13 March 2023
  • Foundational Economy Innovation Fund

    Have you got a great idea to improve your business or organisation? We can help provide the funding, expertise, and support to make it happen, linking you with other likeminded innovators in a growing community across Greater Manchester.  What’s on offer? £10,000 grants for up to 40 projects, plus expert support, to develop or trial ideas and innovations in Phase 1. Some projects will have ideas that need more development, while others will be ready to trial something... More
    Closed 12 March 2023
  • Cycle and Stride for Active Lives

    Cycle and Stride for Active Lives is an exciting initiative from TfGM that supports community groups and people in Greater Manchester to become more active through walking and cycling. Made possible by a £1 million grant from the London Marathon Charitable Trust, the three-year programme seeks to reach 10,000 people across communities that are least likely to be active or to walk or cycle their journeys. The aim is to reach communities who experience more barriers when it comes... More
    Closed 3 March 2023
  • Concessionary Pass Travel in Greater Manchester

    Since the Covid-19 pandemic fewer people are using public transport in Greater Manchester. However, the reduction has been greatest amongst older people: concessionary pass use in Greater Manchester usage is considerably lower than pre-pandemic levels. To understand why this is the case, and to help ensure that the Bee Network is accessible and attractive to all age groups, Transport for Greater Manchester, the Greater Manchester Ageing Hub and the Greater Manchester Older People’s... More
    Closed 3 March 2023
  • Keep in Touch Form: Skills Bootcamps Events January 2023

    The following short survey allows employers and providers to submit their contact information should they wish to be kept up to date with the latest news and opportunities relating to GMCA Skills Bootcamps Programme. You will be asked if you wish to complete this survey when attending or following your attendance at the Skills Bootcamps Market Engagement Events, taking place from 17 th to 27 th January 2023. More
    Closed 1 March 2023
  • Veterans’ Survey

    The Veterans’ Survey is being carried out by the Office for Veterans’ Affairs (OVA) and the Office for National Statistics (ONS). It aims to learn more about the lives of the UK Armed Forces community, veterans and their families. Find out all about the survey, who can take part and what to expect. More
    Closed 10 February 2023
  • GMFRS Annual Delivery Plan 2023/24 - public and stakeholders

    We want feedback on the proposed Annual Delivery Plan for 23/24 . First though, it's useful to explain how it fits in with The Fire Plan (2021-2025) The Fire Plan sets out the direction of travel for GMFRS, articulating our six priorities, and the outcomes we want to achieve over the next four years. Within each of these priorities are a series of commitments from the Service to our residents, businesses, and partners. The Fire Plan provides... More
    Closed 8 February 2023
  • Greater Manchester Green Spaces Fund Round 2

    Following its successful first applications round earlier this year, round 2 of the £2.6m Greater Manchester Green Spaces Fund is now open to applications, seeking community projects that will make a real difference to their local area. The fund makes small and large grants available for community groups wanting to create new accessible spaces or improve existing ones in their local area, particularly where there is currently poor local access to good quality green space. Projects... More
    Closed 27 January 2023
  • LGBT Foundation - Sector Engagement Group Survey

    LGBT Foundation is proud to be the management organisation for the Greater Manchester LGBTQ+ Equality Panel. As part of this work, they are working with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) to set up an LGBTQ+ organisations engagement group to better understand the needs of LGBTQ+ communities. The Equality Panel is made up of individuals who use their lived experiences to help influence policy making in Greater Manchester. While this is a vital role, they... More
    Closed 27 January 2023
  • Greater Manchester Information Strategy - Delivery Plan Consultation

    NOTE: You can answer as many or as few questions in this consultation as you like. There is only one mandatory question, ensuring that you are over 13 years old when submitting your response. Information is part of everyone's lives - it affects the choices we make, the actions we take, and the opportunities we seize. But to make the right choices, take the right actions, and seize the best opportunities, we need to trust information. We need to trust how it is managed, when and why it is... More
    Closed 13 January 2023
  • Greater Manchester Family Survey (Children under 5)

    This survey has been designed by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and ten local authorities that form the Greater Manchester city region: Bolton, Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale, Salford, Stockport, Tameside, Trafford and Wigan. The purpose of the survey is to hear from parents/carers of children under the age of 5 about their experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic, and the impact of lockdown and social distancing on their child(ren) and family. Studies have... More
    Closed 25 November 2022
  • Safe Drive Stay Alive - Pre Session Questionnaire

    You will soon be attending a performance of Safe Drive, Stay Alive along with your college or organisation. We really want to know your views about road safety. Please take a few minutes to complete our short survey. Please be as honest as you can. Your feedback is really important. If you complete this survey, and a similar survey we will send you after attending Safe Drive Stay Alive, you can enter a prize draw to win an Apple voucher! More
    Closed 16 November 2022
  • GM Community Wealth Hub - Concept Model

    As the co-design process for the GM Community Wealth Hub continues, this online consultation provides an opportunity for you to review and share your thoughts on a concept model for the Hub. The model (attached at the bottom of this page) brings together what we have heard so far through the co-design process, aiming to ensure that there is a clear link between what the Hub is doing and the outcomes and impacts that it wants to achieve. We would really appreciate your views. A space... More
    Closed 31 October 2022
  • Parent and carer offer survey

    The Greater Manchester Violence Reduction Unit is interested in hearing from parents and carers, as well as anybody who works with children, parents and carers, to help shape a potential new service. We want to find out more information about what happens, or what you would like to happen, if you have concerns about a child or young person in relation to crime, exploitation, risk of violence or anti-social behaviour. What might cause those concerns, and what kind of help would be best for... More
    Closed 21 October 2022
  • Greater Manchester Green Summit 2022

    Now in its fifth year, Greater Manchester’s Green Summit 2022 will be held at The Lowry Theatre, Salford Quays on Monday 17th October, hosted by the Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham. This year, the summit will seek input from businesses, policymakers, local communities and industry on how the city-region should accelerate action against its five-year environment plan, rising to the key environmental challenges facing it from implementing new policy and future innovations to... More
    Closed 17 October 2022
  • Big Alcohol Conversation 2022

    In 2019, the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership asked people across Greater Manchester to tell them about the role and impacts of alcohol in their communities. More than 80 local voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations, more than 5,000 people, joined in the Big Alcohol Conversation. From this, findings and recommendations were produced. Now, we want to check that these findings and recommendations are still relevant following the Covid-19 pandemic.... More
    Closed 16 September 2022
  • GM Smokefree open spaces

    Greater Manchester has become a member of the Partnership for Healthy Cities (PHC) and is currently undertaking its first-phase plans to extend smokefree outdoor spaces in Manchester City Centre, a collaboration between Manchester City Council (MCC) and NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care. The process includes this city-region wide public consultation survey, which was informed by several focus groups with smokers, former smokers and never smokers. NHS GM IC issued a... More
    Closed 11 September 2022
  • The future of Greater Manchester's Culture Fund

    Culture in Greater Manchester Greater Manchester is rightly proud of its cultural offer. Culture and heritage are some of the biggest reasons residents like and are proud of living in Greater Manchester. The COVID pandemic has had a significant impact on Greater Manchester’s cultural landscape. The Centre for Cultural Value’s Culture in Crisis report earlier this year highlighted well the impacts on the workforce, organisations, and audiences. The... More
    Closed 26 August 2022
  • Greater Manchester Community Wealth Hub: Part 2

    In March 2022, GMCA launched a co-design process to create a Community Wealth Hub for Greater Manchester. So far, we have been listening to the views of a range of stakeholders, hosted a call for ideas on this platform and held a large stakeholder workshop in June 2022. This consultation provides stakeholders with a further opportunity to shape the co-design of a Community Wealth Hub in Greater Manchester, supporting co-operatives, mutuals, social enterprises... More
    Closed 5 August 2022
  • Greater Manchester Disabled People's Panel 2022 Survey

    Are you sick of filling in surveys and not seeing change? This survey is different, it is not just to gather research data. The Greater Manchester Disabled People's Panel is made up of 15 Disabled People's organisations, run by and for disabled people. We have a partnership agreement with GM Mayor Andy Burnham to influence policy to make Greater Manchester a better place to live for disabled people. This survey helps us do that, and the more disabled people fill it in,... More
    Closed 1 August 2022
  • Recycle for Greater Manchester - Community Fund Applications

    The Recycle for Greater Manchester Community Fund is a joint R4GM and Suez initiative to support Greater Manchester community and voluntary sector groups. The fund helps to deliver projects aimed at reducing household waste, increasing recycling and encouraging reuse. All of the money raised by our Renew shops goes towards the Community Fund. Every year, £220,000 is available for community and voluntary projects. Now it is your opportunity to apply! More
    Closed 31 May 2022
  • Ring and Ride - Transport for Greater Manchester

    Ring and Ride is a service designed to meet the needs of people who find it difficult or are unable to access the general transport network, either part or all of the time. It is a door-to-door minibus service with drivers who are trained in passenger assistance. Currently, Ring and Ride passengers can travel anywhere within a 6-mile radius of their home address within the Greater Manchester boundary. Exceptions are made for travel to the nearest local hospital, the nearest town centre... More
    Closed 24 May 2022
  • Employment Provision Mapping in GM Survey

    In March 2022 the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) launched its new Greater Manchester Strategy committing to: “Ensure businesses are able to access the skills and talent they need, by providing high quality learning, and wrapping support around individuals, enabling them to realise their potential - with access to good employment for those who can work, support for those who could work and care for those who can’t. Give our children and young... More
    Closed 15 May 2022
  • Developing a Greater Manchester Community Wealth Hub

    In March 2021 the Greater Manchester Independent Inequalities Commission recommended that Greater Manchester should: Create a Community Wealth Hub to support and grow co-operatives, mutuals, social and community enterprises, staffed by people from the co-operative and community sector who understand the market. We believe that any Community Wealth Hub should be developed and co-designed with the people and organisations who might benefit... More
    Closed 13 May 2022
  • Multiply Survey

    All local areas in the United Kingdom will receive funding to deliver bespoke adult numeracy programmes in their area from August 2022 called “Multiply”. Adults who do not have a GCSE in maths at grade C (equivalent to grade 4 or CSE grade 1), or an equivalent qualification will be able to a ccess free courses that fit around their lives – whether that be in person or online, at work or in the evening, part-time or intensive – with additional support to meet their needs.... More
    Closed 8 May 2022
  • GMCA Pledge 5

    We're asking businesses across Greater Manchester to pledge at least 5 opportunities for young people. Once you've filled out this form, we'll be in touch to discuss your pledge further. Got any questions? Drop an email to More
    Closed 31 March 2022
  • GMP - Neighbourhood Policing

    On 1 February 2022, Greater Manchester Police (GMP) launched a six-week Neighbourhood Policing Consultation that offers the people of Greater Manchester the opportunity to directly tell us what they want to see from our neighbourhood policing function. This is part of the action GMP is taking to fulfill the public promises made by Chief Constable Stephen Watson when he launched our Plan on a Page (external pdf) last September. Under our pledge to build public trust and confidence,... More
    Closed 21 March 2022
120 results. Page 2 of 4