120 results
Everyday life in the time of COVID-19
This survey is being hosted on behalf of Manchester University and the Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformation . The purpose of this research is to understand how everyday life changes during moments of disruption, in this instance during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. We are surveying people across the UK on their everyday experiences whilst social distancing measures are in place. This survey (approximately 20-30 minutes) asks about changes to your... MoreClosed 7 June 2020 -
Developing a Race Equality Panel for Greater Manchester
Greater Manchester is proud to be one of the most diverse places in the country, and we are committed to ensuring that the benefits of devolution make a difference to the lives of people across all our communities regardless of age, background, gender, culture or beliefs. A number of advisory panels have already been established to ensure communities are at the heart of decision-making. You can find out more about our approach to equalities and the other advisory panels on our... MoreClosed 23 August 2020 -
State of the Sector (VCSE)
The State of the Sector is a partnership research initiative between 10GM (a joint venture to support the VCSE sector across Greater Manchester), GMCVO and locality partners. Leading the research on behalf of the partnership will be the University of Salford. The last survey in 2017 found there were an estimated 15,890 voluntary, charity and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations in Greater Manchester supporting over 21.9 million interventions with clients, users or... MoreClosed 25 September 2020 -
It’s time to talk about wellbeing - join the Greater Manchester conversation
This survey is being hosted on behalf of Independent Mental Health Network (IMHN) People in Greater Manchester are being asked to join a conversation about their mental wellbeing, to discover how they feel, what worries them, and what they think can be done to make a positive difference to where they live. Responses to the survey will help shape future initiatives to improve mental wellbeing in Greater Manchester, making sure they reflect the needs of local people. ... MoreClosed 18 October 2020 -
City Centre Transport Strategy
The City Centre Transport Strategy (CCTS) has been developed jointly by Manchester City Council, Salford City Council and Transport for Greater Manchester. The strategy’s central aim is for 90 per cent of all trips into the city centre to be made on foot, by cycle or using public transport before 2040 - helping to reduce air pollution and contribute to Manchester’s 2038 target for carbon neutrality. The consultation giving the public... MoreClosed 4 November 2020 -
Tackling Covid in Greater Manchester (Wave 1)
The Greater Manchester Combined Authority and partners across Greater Manchester are working round the clock to prevent the spread of Covid, and to deliver projects and programmes to help residents and communities affected. We want to make sure our interventions and our communications are having as much impact as possible, and so we need you to tell us your experiences and your views. We have asked BMG Research to carry out a series of monthly surveys with Greater... MoreClosed 1 December 2020 -
SIGN UP HERE to hear more about Greater Manchester's Plan for Homes, Jobs and the Environment (Greater Manchester Spatial Framework)
Subscribe to our mailing list If you want to receive an email telling you when the consultation for Greater Manchester's Plan for Homes, Jobs and the Environment goes live, please subscribe to this spatial framework mailing list. MoreClosed 1 December 2020 -
Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan consultation
We need to clean up the air we all breathe. Dirty air damages our health and plays a part in thousands of deaths across the UK every year. The 10 GM local authority areas have worked together to develop a joint Clean Air Plan to reduce harmful air pollution on local roads. A GM-wide charging Clean Air Zone covering local roads in all ten local authorities. A government funding package to help local businesses prepare by upgrading to cleaner, compliant vehicles. ... MoreClosed 3 December 2020 -
Greater Manchester Minimum Licensing Standards for taxi and private hire vehicles
Taxis and private hire services are a crucial part of our transport network. They provide an important service, particularly for those without access to a car, and people who don’t live or work near other parts of the public transport network. We want to see taxi and private hire services in Greater Manchester deliver a safer, high-quality experience for everyone, every time, using vehicles that meet high environmental standards. That’s why Greater... MoreClosed 3 December 2020 -
How do you use local data?
Greater Manchester Combined Authority is looking at the use of open data in the city region as part of our Local Data Review . Open data is information that can be used, re-used and redistributed by anyone. This information is usually non-personal, such as planning applications or organisational performance information. It can be in any manner of formats such as: charts documents images lists spreadsheets tables You might actually use open data... MoreClosed 11 January 2021 -
Young People: Speak your mind - Your thoughts are powerful
If you’re a young person living in Greater Manchester, we want to help you achieve your aspirations. Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and the Greater Manchester Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) are developing a new campaign to provide young people with support to reach their goals and to prevent them getting involved in crime. To develop the campaign, we need input from you – young people! We want to hear from young people aged 10-17 from all across... MoreClosed 24 January 2021 -
Police funding 2021/22
Dear Greater Manchester residents and businesses, Since we came into office, we have made a number of important decisions and investments in Greater Manchester Police in order to keep people safe. We couldn’t have done all of this without the help of local council taxpayers. When we entered office in 2017, the Deputy Mayor and I made a commitment to end the cuts to frontline officer numbers. There are now 667 more police officers in GMP... MoreClosed 28 January 2021 -
Doing Buses Differently: The impact of Covid-19 on our proposals for the future of your buses
Greater Manchester has an ambition for a truly integrated public transport system, Our Network, to make getting around the city-region easy, accessible and affordable. Buses will be central to Our Network. They are a vital part of Greater Manchester’s transport system, with 75% of public transport journeys – both before and during the pandemic – made by bus. For many, especially in our poorer and most vulnerable communities, they are a... MoreClosed 29 January 2021 -
How can we tackle inequality in Greater Manchester?
The Greater Manchester Independent Inequalities Commission was set up in October 2020 to explore the causes of inequality and offer solutions to tackle these issues. The Commission has been reviewing evidence from academic research, local equality programmes and insight from the business, public, voluntary and community sectors to recommend new policy, activity and ways of working. Now, the Commission wants to hear from people who have an interest in making... MoreClosed 31 January 2021 -
Trafford residents! You and your mixed recycling bin
Trafford residents! Are you using your black mixed recycling bin? Trafford has one of the best recycling rates in Greater Manchester, however there are still some things that we could do even better. The One Trafford Partnership and Recycle for Greater Manchester carried out a recycling campaign last year, and now we would like to know how effective it has been. Your feedback will be used to help us improve, and shape future recycling... MoreClosed 1 March 2021 -
Oldham residents! Let's talk about food waste
Did you know that every year in Oldham, 9,641 tonnes of food is thrown away that could have been avoided? This costs Oldham tax payers £2.8 million pounds a year in disposal costs. Reducing food waste not only saves you money but is better for the environment, when you think about the journey food goes on before it gets to your plate. Please can you complete this survey so that Oldham Council and Recycle for Greater Manchester can understand how to best approach this... MoreClosed 7 March 2021 -
Help nature recover in Greater Manchester
Right now, our natural environment is facing many challenges including climate change, pollution, biodiversity loss and urbanisation to name but a few. We want to hear your views to help shape Greater Manchester’s first Local Nature Recovery Plan. Our Nature Recovery Plan will be a blueprint for the future of Greater Manchester’s natural environment and local wildlife. It will set out what needs to be done to restore declining species and habitats,... MoreClosed 7 March 2021 -
Census 2021 - Information and help
The census is a survey that happens every 10 years and provides a picture of all the people and households in England and Wales. Conducted by the Office for National Statistics, the Census is the largest collection of information on the general population that exists. The Census aims to collect information from every UK resident on topics such as age, employment, ethnicity, health, and lots more besides. Information from the Census is used to help decide how services... MoreClosed 24 May 2021 -
Win a decommissioned yellow school bus!
Several of TfGM’s current Yellow School Bus fleet are due to be decommissioned in July 2021. Once again, they are providing an opportunity for individuals, schools, community groups, sports teams and volunteer organisations to apply to be gifted one of these vehicles. Whether its reading spaces, quiet places or somewhere to meet new faces, a pplications will be judged on several criteria, including originality, creativity, and benefit... MoreClosed 18 June 2021 -
Homelessness Prevention Strategy
Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) is consulting on a new Greater Manchester Homelessness Prevention Strategy. Homelessness in all forms has increased in Greater Manchester since 2010 and tackling homelessness and rough sleeping is a key priority for GMCA and organisations across Greater Manchester. A number of initiatives are already in place in Greater Manchester to help reduce homelessness and rough sleeping, including Housing First , the ... MoreClosed 26 June 2021 -
Greater Manchester Assisted Conception and Fertility Treatment Services Review Patient and Public Engagement Survey
People in Greater Manchester are being asked to share their experiences and views about assisted conception and fertility treatment services to help shape the future of the service. Commissioners across Greater Manchester want to hear your views: what works well now and what needs to be improved? What do we mean by assisted conception and fertility treatment? Assisted conception is a collective name for treatments designed to lead to conception by means... MoreClosed 29 July 2021 -
Gender-Based Violence Strategy Consultation - Easy Read Questionnaire
This is a survey to find out what you think about our plan to make things better for victims of gender-based violence in Greater Manchester. We do not need to know your name You do not have to answer all of the questions You can get someone to help you fill it in Post your answers to: Gender-Based Violence Consultation c/o The Engagement Team Greater Manchester Combined Authority The Tootal Buildings ... MoreClosed 1 August 2021 -
Gender-Based Violence Strategy Consultation
We want Greater Manchester to be one of the best places in the world for people to grow, up, get on and grow old – and we are on a journey to achieve that. The prevalence of gender-based violence represents a major barrier to achieving our ambition. Through the Gender-Based Violence Strategy, we aim to lead a comprehensive, responsive programme of service delivery that enhances the safety of women and girls, while preventing gender-based violence and challenging the... MoreClosed 1 August 2021 -
Let's talk about wildfires
The aim of the survey is to find out more about what the public think about wildfire. 👉 Wildfire is an uncontrolled fire in a forest, grassland, brushland, moorland or land sown to crops. We want to find out: 🔥 what you think causes wildfires to happen 🔥 what you think should be the consequence of negative actions around wildfires 🔥 your concerns about wildfire 🔥 what should be done about wildfires (prevention) ... MoreClosed 31 August 2021 -
2021 Places for Everyone
Welcome to the consultation on the joint plan between Bolton, Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Salford, Rochdale, Tameside, Trafford and Wigan, 'Places for Everyone (PfE)'. PfE is the long-term plan of nine Greater Manchester districts for jobs, new homes and sustainable growth. The plan sets out a strategic policy framework for the nine boroughs and helps these areas to meet their local housing and employment needs by identifying land and infrastructure to support growth. ... MoreClosed 3 October 2021 -
Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan - A575/A580 at Worsley and motorhomes/campervans
A consultation on the inclusion of M1/M1 Special Purpose vehicles with a body type of ‘motorcaravan’ within the charging scheme & the sections of the A575 and A580 at Worsley within the Greater Manchester Clean Air Zone. MoreClosed 13 October 2021 -
Greater Manchester Police and Crime Plan Refresh 2021
Refreshing our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester "Andy Burnham, the Mayor of Greater Manchester, is responsible for setting the direction for policing and community safety in our city-region. As his deputy with responsibilities for policing, fire and criminal justice, I developed a police and crime plan in March 2018, called Standing Together . It is important to make sure that the priorities in the plan are... MoreClosed 30 November 2021 -
GM LGBTQ+ Advisory Panel Priorities
The GM LGBTQ+ Advisory Panel is one of seven equality panels established by Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) to tackle inequality and injustice in the city-region. The LGBTQ+ Panel aims to improve the lives of LGBTQ+ people across the city-region by championing LGBTQ+ inclusion, and ensuring that the interests of our diverse LGBTQ+ communities drive all aspects of running and planning for the future of Greater Manchester. The LGBTQ+ Advisory Panel is committed... MoreClosed 7 December 2021 -
Greater Manchester Active Travel Fund Schemes
Greater Manchester is on a mission to make on foot and by bike travel the natural choice for everyday journeys. The city region's plans are underpinned by the Bee Network - a proposal for Greater Manchester to become the very first city-region in the UK to have a fully joined-up cycling and walking network: the most comprehensive in Britain covering 1,800 miles. Our aim is to make the region a nicer place to live, work, get on and grow old and to connect every neighbourhood and... MoreClosed 30 December 2021 -
Police Funding 2022/23
Dear Greater Manchester residents and businesses, It has always been one of our most important priorities to keep people in Greater Manchester safe and we could not have done it without your help, as local taxpayers. One of our first challenges has been to reverse the years of Government cuts to frontline policing by recruiting more officers both to fight crime and, through greater visibility on our streets, to deter and prevent crime. Under our leadership,... MoreClosed 27 January 2022
120 results.
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