120 results
Impact of COVID-19 in the Caribbean and African Community
We are hosting this survey on behalf of Caribbean and African Health Network . The Caribbean and African Health Network (CAHN) is an Infrastructure Organisation that seeks to work with Caribbean and African communities. It has a vision of eradicating health inequalities within a generation. This survey has been developed to gather anonymous information that will enable CAHN to gain a better insight into the impact of COVID-19 on the Caribbean and African community in Greater... MoreClosed 31 May 2020 -
NHS: Your current experience of coronavirus
You can help the NHS plan its response to the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) by sharing your experience. This survey will help the NHS understand more about how and where coronavirus is affecting people currently. MoreClosed 31 May 2020 -
Greater Manchester Big Disability Survey about Covid 19 - Easy Version
This is a survey to find out how you are feeling during this time of Covid-19. We will let Mayor Andy Burnham know what you have said. Hopefully he will be able to make things better. You do not have to give us your name. You can fill this survey in yourself or ask someone to help you. Greater Manchester Disabled People's Panel The Greater Manchester (GM) Disabled People's Panel is an independent strategic body made up of Disabled People's Organisations... MoreClosed 25 May 2020 -
Greater Manchester Big Disability Survey - Covid 19 Special
This survey aims to find out what issues disabled people face during the Covid-19/Coronavirus Pandemic. The evidence this survey provides will inform GM services about support needs and how to improve responses to the pandemic. I n addition to access and support questions we have included demographic questions to better gather information of how different communities are experiencing the impact of the Pandemic. However this survey does remain anonymous. So please share... MoreClosed 25 May 2020 -
Understanding attitudes and behaviours to keeping active during Coronavirus
We are hosting this survey on behalf of Greater Sport . Across Greater Manchester, Greater Sport is looking to understand more about how attitudes and behaviours towards physical activity and exercise have changed as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Your responses will be used to help support people who are less able to be active, and understand new ways that people are being active. MoreClosed 11 May 2020 -
Understanding the impact of Coronavirus on food banks, clubs, pantries and other food providers
*The Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) is sharing this survey on behalf of Greater Manchester Poverty Action .* The Coronavirus (also known as COVID-19) is having a huge impact across Greater Manchester, and in particular Greater Manchester Poverty Action’s (GMPA) network. The public and private sectors, and community, voluntary, social enterprise and faith organisations are thinking about how they maintain and adapt services to response to emerging needs.... MoreClosed 30 April 2020 -
Understanding the impact of the Coronavirus on voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations (VCSE)
*The Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) is sharing this survey on behalf of Greater Manchester Poverty Action .* The Coronavirus (also known as the COVID-19) is having a huge impact across Greater Manchester, and in particular Greater Manchester Poverty Action’s (GMPA) network. The public and private sectors, and community, voluntary, social enterprise and faith organisations are thinking about how they maintain and adapt services to response to emerging... MoreClosed 30 April 2020 -
Manchester’s Gay Village - What it means to those who use it
Manchester City Council has commissioned a review of Manchester’s Gay Village to fully understand what the area means to local people, visitors and businesses, and to inform how the Gay Village can be protected and enhanced in the future. As a celebrated and unique part of the city centre, this is a listening exercise to provide an updated understanding of the importance of the Gay Village as a safe space for the city’s LGBTQ+ community. Hatch, an... MoreClosed 13 March 2020 -
Valuing parks, woodlands and other greenspaces (The Ignition Project)
The Ignition Project brings together 12 partners from Greater Manchester’s local government, universities, non-governmental organisations, and businesses. We aim to address the emergency caused by climate change. We are investigating how we can fund the delivery of more nature based projects that will help make us less vulnerable to climate change. We aim to achieve a 10% increase in our city’s coverage of plants and trees by 2038. We are asking everyone who lives, works,... MoreClosed 1 February 2020 -
Police funding 2020/21
Dear Greater Manchester residents and businesses, Funding for the police comes both directly from a central Government grant and also from the police precept element of your council tax. About 20% of the funding for Greater Manchester Police comes from that police precept, one of the lowest proportions in the country. This means that here in Greater Manchester we are heavily reliant on government funding to protect the police on our streets who help keep our communities safe. ... MoreClosed 27 January 2020 -
Doing Buses Differently - proposed franchising scheme for Greater Manchester
Greater Manchester is the first city-region to consult on a proposed bus franchising scheme. Buses are vital for Greater Manchester. They’re used for three-out-of-four public transport journeys and thousands of us depend on them to get to work, the shops or services like our local GP. But bus use is falling. Currently in Greater Manchester, individual bus operators decide their own routes, timetables, tickets and standards. In areas they don’t run, the public... MoreClosed 8 January 2020 -
Greater Manchester Hate Crime Plan
Greater Manchester is a place where everyone should feel safe to be themselves. No one should face violence, abuse or hatred just because of who they are, who they love, where they’re from, what they look like or what they believe. Hate incidents and hate crime will not be tolerated in Greater Manchester. There is a lot of great work taking place to tackle hate crime in each area of Greater Manchester but we think we can be more effective if we work together. So, we are... MoreClosed 8 December 2019 -
Developing a Health and Justice Strategy for Greater Manchester
Poor health is something that impacts both victims of crime and offenders. From learning disabilities to drug addiction to poor mental health, there are a surprising number of health problems that make you more likely to be a victim of crime or an offender. So we’ve decided to become the first city-region in England to develop a Health and Justice Strategy. The aim of this strategy is to improve the health of people who are already in the criminal justice... MoreClosed 31 October 2019 -
Transport and the Night Time Economy
Sacha Lord, Greater Manchester's Night Time Economy Adviser, in partnership with the Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, and Transport for Greater Manchester, want to know how people like you move around Greater Manchester at night – and what, if anything, prevents you from doing so. If you're out and about between 6pm and 6am - whether that's for work or pleasure - and whether you travel by private car, taxi, public transport or even cycle, we want to hear from... MoreClosed 13 October 2019 -
VCSE in Greater Manchester - the next 10 years
The GM VCSE Devolution Reference Group has been developing a Policy Paper which will sit alongside the Greater Manchester Local Industrial Strategy, the Greater Manchester Reform White Paper and the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Prospectus, describing both the ‘offer’ of the sector in Greater Manchester, and the transformation which needs to happen in the sector in order for it to maximise its potential. The paper builds on the Accord between Mayor and GMCA... MoreClosed 30 September 2019 -
Greater Manchester High Rise Residents Survey
Following the fire at Grenfell tower in June 2017, a High Rise Task Force was established in Greater Manchester to ensure every residential high rise tower block is safe from fire. In addition, the Task Force aims to ensure residents living in these tower blocks receive appropriate fire safety advice. The Greater Manchester High Rise Task Force has commissioned research to understand whether there has been any impact on Greater Manchester residents following the Grenfell tower... MoreClosed 15 September 2019 -
Greater Manchester Co-operative Commission - Call for Evidence
The Greater Manchester Co-operative Commission has been established by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) to be a driver for developing co-operative activity across the city-region and to explore how co-operative methods can help to solve existing issues facing the city-region. The Commissioners sit as an independent panel, and will make policy recommendations to ensure that the GMCA is drawing on the benefits that co-operatives can bring to our city-region. ... MoreClosed 4 September 2019 -
NeighbourhoodWatch Cybercrime Survey
Neighbourhood Watch has launched a landmark new survey to understand the impact of cybercrime on communities across England and Wales. Traditionally Neighbourhood Watch has been focused on keeping people safe in the places they live but with the advent of new technology, it’s clear people can be at their most vulnerable when they occupy online spaces. Action Fraud, the national fraud and cybercrime reporting centre run by the City of London... MoreClosed 21 August 2019 -
Greater Manchester Clean Air Proposal
Dirty air from road transport can seriously damage our health and plays a part in thousands of deaths every year. Greater Manchester needs to reduce air pollution to legal levels as quickly as possible. The 10 local councils in Greater Manchester are developing a Clean Air Plan to tackle this major risk to our health. The proposals include a Clean Air Zone, alongside major government funding to clean up the region’s most-polluting vehicles. We’d like your views on our proposals... MoreClosed 30 June 2019 -
Our Pass Opportunities
Our Pass is for 16 to 18 year olds in Greater Manchester. It combines free bus travel with access to exciting sports, culture and leisure opportunities and other offers. Applications for Our Pass will open in July via www.ourpass.co.uk and you will be able to start using it in September. Young people are at the heart of Our Pass – young people chose its name and designed the card. Now we want to find out what you want to do... MoreClosed 23 June 2019 -
Plastic waste and recycling in Greater Manchester
Recycle for Greater Manchester is the public facing brand of GMCA waste and resources. We work with local councils in Bolton, Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale, Salford, Stockport, Tameside and Trafford, to inspire and encourage the residents of Greater Manchester to manage their waste responsibly, helping residents to see the value of waste and the real benefits that can be achieved by wasting less and recycling right. (Wigan is not part of Recycle for Greater Manchester because... MoreClosed 22 April 2019 -
The Greater Manchester Plan for Homes, Jobs and the Environment
Greater Manchester's Plan for Homes, Jobs and the Environment: The Greater Manchester Spatial Framework, is all about making our city region fit for the future and one of the best places in the world to live, work and visit. This is how young people from across Greater Manchester see their city-region in the future ... Plan for Homes, Jobs, and the Environment (FULL DRAFT) Plan for Homes, Jobs and the Environment (OVERVIEW) ... MoreClosed 18 March 2019 -
Mayoral Development Corporation - Regenerating Stockport's Town Centre West
Stockport’s Town Centre West is set to become Greater Manchester’s newest, greenest, and coolest affordable urban neighbourhood. History and nature set a great context for streets and buildings to quickly establish a distinctive urban environment and a truly sustainable place to live. Town Centre West will be a walkable neighbourhood at the heart of things. It will provide a choice of homes and workspace. Residents and business... MoreClosed 10 March 2019 -
Greater Manchester’s Big Alcohol Conversation
The Greater Manchester vision is to make our city region one of the best places in the world. A place where everyone can have the best start in life, live well and age well. Protecting people from the harms caused by alcohol is an important part of this. The Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership and the Greater Manchester Combined Authority are aiming to reduce the harms associated with alcohol while supporting Greater Manchester’s communities and night... MoreClosed 28 February 2019 -
Commitments to individuals with palliative care needs
Greater Manchester and Eastern Cheshire Strategic Clinical Network are currently developing a Palliative and End of Life Care Framework. The Framework will set a number of objectives and outline the outcomes that the people in Greater Manchester can expect to live well during the last year of life with dignity, in the place of their choice, regardless of disease, setting, age and circumstance. The Framework will contain 12 individual focused commitments and 4 system enabling commitments,... MoreClosed 31 January 2019 -
Police funding 2019/20
Funding for the police comes both directly from central government and also a proportion of your council tax. About 80% of the funding for the police comes in a grant from the government, and the Mayor is responsible for setting the amount of council tax that local households pay for the police. Since 2010 the government has cut the amount of cash they provide to Greater Manchester Police by £215 million. This has resulted in the loss of 2,000 police officers – a 25% reduction... MoreClosed 27 January 2019 -
Developing a Drug and Alcohol Strategy for Greater Manchester
Drugs and alcohol are everybody’s business. Drugs and alcohol misuse impacts on the health and wellbeing of our residents, the safety of our communities, and the vibrancy and economic future of our town centres and night time economies. As well as causing health problems, such as cancer, liver cirrhosis and heart disease, we know that alcohol affects the well-being of families, and is a major contributor to domestic abuse, violent crime and public disorder. We know that the issues... MoreClosed 13 January 2019 -
Music in Greater Manchester
Hello and welcome to our second survey about music in Greater Manchester! We've already asked musicians from across Greater Manchester their views on the music scene across the city-region and now we're asking music go-ers to tell us about their experiences of music in Greater Manchester. We want to hear your views on all things music - where do you watch it? What venues do you like? And what how can we improve the music scene in Greater Manchester? All of your... MoreClosed 14 December 2018 -
Developing a Good Employment Charter for Greater Manchester
Greater Manchester is developing a Good Employment Charter. The aim of the Charter is to help employers reach excellent employment standards and become more successful as a result. Greater Manchester must be a place where people can fulfil their ambitions. That means making it a place where people want to live and work, whether they are setting up their own business or working as an employee. We are therefore setting out a... MoreClosed 26 November 2018 -
Developing Good Jobs and Growth: Greater Manchester’s Local Industrial Strategy
Greater Manchester is a world-renowned centre of industry, innovation, enterprise and creativity. Developing a local industrial strategy is an exciting opportunity to build on our pioneering history and drive our city-region forward as a global economic powerhouse. As one of just three ‘trailblazer’ areas in the UK, we are working collaboratively with government to develop our local industrial strategy. It will be our joint plan for creating exciting, well-paid jobs in... MoreClosed 25 November 2018
120 results.
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